The book
Never Ever Give Up: The Inspiring Story of Jessie and her JoyJars by Erik Rees with Jenna Glatzer is the true story of Jessie Rees, her 10 month battle with inoperable cancer and what she did to bring joy to other children fighting cancer. Despite battling cancer herself, Jessie asked her dad how they could help other children battling cancer. She wanted to bring hope, joy and love to those other children suffering from cancer. With that question, JoyJars were born. The back of the book says: "During the 10 months she battled cancer, Jessie and her family made JoyJars - packages filled with toys, games and love for other kids with cancer. Jessie first handed them out at the hospital where she was being treated, but the effort blossomed quickly. Soon thousands of JoyJars were distributed across the United States and to over twenty-seven countries."
If you are looking for some inspiration, I highly recommend this book. At eleven years old, Jessie chose to focus on helping others rather than focusing on what she was suffering from. She showed love for God and the love of God to others. The fact that her message lives on in the Jessie Rees Foundation: NEGU shows what an inspiration she was to others. I highly recommend this book!
*I received this book from Handlebar Publishing in exchange for an honest review.*